Welcome to The Lost Coffee Mug. We were founded by Lisa Christensen. Lisa started a successful music blog called Catch My Ear as she has a passion for music along with a degree in music recording and technology. She always had a unique way of listening and looking at music, and this made Catch My Ear a tremendous success in working with PR firms and artists alike. The blog did end up closing due to the workload and personal issues happening.
Now that things have settled down Lisa was able to start The Lost Coffee Mug in 2022. The blog started as a lifestyle blog but quickly found her new passion for talking about books. We read everything from Biographies to Romance. Nothing is left out from what we like to read, and we hope you find a new author or book to pick up when you visit our site.
If you have any topic ideas or anything you would like us to cover, please email us: TheLostCoffeeMug@gmail.com.